Custom Countertop Videos.

Why do you need them

Videos are becoming more of a ranking factor. By creating videos We can target keywords just like we do with content of the website and images. These videos provide a relevancy factor that the search engines like to see.

We don't have a pile of money to put into videos

As we grow we can invest more in the video production side so we have build a stop gap where we create content for the website, social media and more where we can engage your customers and target these keywords for greater placement.

Custom Countertop Marketing Client Videos:


Countertop Marketing Our Videos:

6 Steps to using video for your countertop Marketing

#1 (DIY) Start by using your phone to take short videos of various activities in your business. Your phone will have some basic editing capabilities to add titles and create short clips 15-30 seconds. Share these on various social media. These videos should have a point. Address a common question, present various products or services, Show off applications of various products.

#2 (DIY) Make this part of your routine. Shock, Humor, reality, knowledge all can help to can interest and create followers of your content.

#3 (Pro Support) Start getting more serious about using video - boost a couple videos on social media to learn what people will respond to. By looking at engagement factors when your videos are presented to your audience you can use this data to help craft the videos. Some skills can be required to analyze this data so to grow from this and since you need to focus on growing all aspects of your business it may be time to look at out sourcing this to a partner to maximize on the content you are generating.

#4 (Pro Support) Get your brand in order. Create a opener and a closer for your videos. Short 10 second clips that you will put on the front and back of the video. Typically a call to action on the end of the video.

#5 (Pro Support) We help maximize the impact of this content by crafting all the additional aspects to work with the internet and the guidelines that are available to us to maximize this exposure. We see so many companies missing the target on the content side.

#6 (Established Brand - Pro Support) The start polishing the content creation side. Video specialists and content architects can work with you to craft a story, solve problems and truly step up the content creation game. Most are not going to make it to this step and today's platforms current don't demand this level of production. Consumers are use to seeing low production videos and enjoy the realism that come with that.