Print advertising for custom countertop fabricators

Here we will show you some examples of print advertising for different applications

I would recommend that your message be tested online first. By testing a message online you are assured some level of expected response. Print advertising like other media types will have a level of repetition to see full effect as well as target audience evaluation. If the media/message is tested online first with a similar audience then you can take that data and compare to the print advertising response. This will give you valuable data to see if and when you will do that media buy again.


Countertop Marketing Print Ads:

These are examples of Valpak Ads. The goal of these ads is to attract direct to consumer custom countertop customers. Introduce a leading offer and exposure the consumer to various levels of material. You will want and expiration date on them (if the ad contains any kind of promotion)


Countertop Marketing Brochures


In this instance we had a direct partnership with a builder where the builder then provided these options as a standard package. This was a co branding opportunity and could be integrated with other builders or generalized for new partnerships. This is a trifold brochure printed through vista print.

We provide graphic design services for our marketing partners.

If you need print design services for your custom stone shop feel free to give us a call.

877 877 1916



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