We have developed a strategy that is has been very affective at driving customers at various levels of the buying cycle and a good quality customer.

Before you have a list of followers : The social media user is not actively searching for your services. Your trying to create new customers. This is more like traditional advertising in that these custoerms area not looking for you and your ads are intruding on their current experience.

Prerequisite : You need to have an internal Staff member that is able to respond to social media comments, Reviews on social media,  answer direct messages during normal business hours. Without this someone from an outside agency will not be able to reply appropriately to specific sales related questions. Full stop.  This is your business reputation on the line and you are not able to outsource this. We provide creative ideas and content creation to drive these actions but your staff will still need to manage these responses.

1.Create Engaging content: This can be hard for some businesses if the subject is rather boring but this is not the issue with custom countertops. Contact us to learn more about the content strategy.

2. Post at reasonable frequency: Weekly posts are a good idea and relate to the above strategy. We also have a strategy for driving exposure 24/7.

3. Monitor posts comments and reviews with internal staff: You need an internal staff member to monitor the activity on the platform and to respond to purchasing questions. No outside agency can do this for you.

4. Don't Spam Your own page with the same content over an over again: If you have a lack of creativity to produce quality content don't spam your own account with the same content over an over again. Frequency is a factor but spamming your followers is not the right approach.

5. Call to Action: Have one. Be sure that you attempt to move the consumer into the next step of the sales funnel. Without a call to action the leap to the next step in the sales funnel can be too far and the consumers wont take the next step.

Our process starts with creating a 15 second branding ad and put that out to your target audience. We are looking to create engagement with the ad and to start the ad to move around organically with tags and likes. Increasing your follower base is also good as these may turn out to be repeat type buyers that would stick around for updates.

We have a process that we follow to drive more exposure and measure the success with spark lead manager

6. Last step top for today: Be careful who you partner with on your social media. This is part of your reputation online. A lot of scams exist and it might prove to be difficult to recover from a bad partner.

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